This unit provides the following types of tests:

  • macroscopic and microscopic assessment of surgical or biopsy material and definition of the tumour stage
  • urgent intraoperative biopsy – gefrir
  • series of analysis on surgical material from the cervix – conisation

Histobiopsy of incision outpatient biopsy of surface organs or with endoscopic methods

  • consultancy on histological medication prepared in other healthcare facilities
  • pathological autopsies including all procedures according to the adopted standards (histological, microbiological, cytological analysis, cultures for virological or chemical  analysis etc.)
  • post-mortem examinations
  • cytological analysis of lavage fluids (bronchoalveolar lavage, leaks in body cavities, from excretory system, etc.)
  • cytological analysis (Pap smear) of spontaneously shed culture (like sputum, urine sediment,  breast secretion, external fistula, wounds, including operational wounds)
  • cytological analysis of  hollow organs and surface skin lesion
  • cytological analysis  after fine-needle aspiration biopsy  from palpable organs and tumours under the skin (like lymph nodes, breast, prostate, thyroid gland, salivary glands), under imaging diagnostic control (lung, mediastinum, abdominal organs, tumour formations in the abdominal cavity)
  • cytological analysis from brush biopsies ( bronchoscopy, gastroscopy, etc.)
  • consultancy on cytological medication
  • registration of all cases of cytologically proven РАР – ІІІ-А-V, registration of patients with dysplasia І-ІІІ degree, Ca in situ of the cervix
  • Opportune biopsy response – of cytological medication up to 2 days, of surgical biopsy culture up to 5-7 days

The unit uses histochemical, cytochemical and immunohistochemical methods.

We do the following immunohistochemical types of analysis:

  • Immunohistochemical classification of lymphomas: CD for B cells, CD for T cells, LCA, CD 30, CD 68 – for histiocytes, CD 34
  • Immunohistochemical analysis for intermediate filaments – cytokeratin, desmin, vimentin
  • Finding antigens for nervous and neuronendocrine tissue – chromogranin, neuronspecific enolase, S-100 protein
  • Finding epithelial antigens – ЕМА, CEA, cytokeratin
  • Immunohistochemical proliferative markers – Ki 67
  • Finding tumour specific markers – for melanoma, etc.
  • Immunohistochemical definition of the hormone status with a carcinoma of the  mammary gland and the large intestine – ER, PR, HER 2, HER 1
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